- – Achieving higher heights on the education ladder is one of the many things every individual will love to acquire in life but making it to the apex of that height is another task to accomplish.
- – Often, fresh graduates from university envisage to further to do their master’s degree within the shortest possible time.
- – Others have it as a walk in the park whiles others have it as a “walk in the jungle”.

The host of GH TODAY on GhOne TV has shared his inspiring and soul lifting story on social media on how he had to lose the opportunity to have a masters degree for three times over a period of 17 years yet persisted and persevered to achieve that goal.
Kafui Dey posted on his Facebook page saying:
“Today I graduated top of my class with a Masters from Ghana Institute of Journalism. This degree has been 17 years in the making.
In 1994, I graduated from University of Ghana and went to work for 6 years as a salesman. I had always wanted to be an academic and I was interested in world affairs and the media. So in the early 2000s, I applied to 3 different postgraduate programs.
I failed to get admitted for the Masters in international affairs and communication studies. No degree.
I got accepted for the MBA but had to drop out after a week because my employer thought it would interfere with my work. No degree.
A decade later I got accepted into a Masters program in shipping administration. This time I completed my coursework, passed all my exams but failed to complete my dissertation. No degree.
In 2015, 21 years after graduating with a BA from University of Ghana, I applied to GIJ. This was my 5th attempt at getting that Masters. I got accepted and dug into the program. Juggling family commitments, work schedules and evening classes with term papers and group discussions was no joke. But by God’s grace we made it and today we graduated. Yes, degree!
What are you fighting for? If it’s worthy, keep at it. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Run your race. Believe in yourself. And remember one thing.
Never give up.
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