There are two great things about following your favorite celebrity on social media. The first thing is that you get to see their flawless selfies on, like, a constant basis. The second best thing is that, if you’re lucky, you might get to speak directly with them every so often.

Of course, they’re busy and they get thousands upon thousands of messages per day, what with their astronomical levels of fame, but those things, while making it sort of hard to get noticed by them, also make it all sweeter in the end. Because there’s nothing at all like seeing a little bubble notifying you that your fave has just favorited, retweeted, or — the holy grail — replied to your message to them. It’s a little piece of heaven on earth, TBH.
So, consider yourself lucky if your idol is Radio personality Naa Klordey Odonkor! She’s not only replying your messages but, again, she’s giving you value for using your expensive data on her as a fan.
About a week ago, August 17, Mz Naa, as she is widely called, introduced an interactive forum on text messaging platform WhatsApp, where she has most of her growing fan base amassed. In 60 minutes, fans were taken through series of lessons relating to information and technology (ICT) which was led by Mr. Oduro Amoateng Yaw, Deputy General Manager, New Edge Info Tech Ghana limited, a licensee of NIIT, Accra Ghana.
And luckily enough for her fan base, she resurfaces with another exciting topic on why you should read if you haven’t started yet. Apparently, this exercise would go on every Thursday on her WhatsApp fan base platform. Introducing Star Assurance’s Underwriter, Ms. Michelle Kezia Asaam who spoke in a 10 minutes audio on “Why Read”, stressed on several reasons why reading is healthy for everyone.
First of all, reading is fun. With the large variety of genres, there’s something for everyone. Your body needs movement. That means your brain needs movement, too. And I don’t mean it needs to be moved from your house to your workplace every morning, together with the rest of your body. Moving your head in space is not enough. All that is inside of it needs to be shaken a bit too. It has been proven that reading has a great effect on our brains.
“We all know it’s important to read but we haven’t really analyzed why we read”, she said in her presentation.
“Personality is not something you are born and blessed or cursed with forever, till the end of your days. When you read, you are exposed to a whole new world of possibilities…”
“Reading, in general, helps improve your vocabulary and makes you fluent in your conversations,” she briefed.
Ms. Michelle spoke on the importance of reading and gave insights to some free apps that could also help one to read online. Apps like Kindle, Nook, Google play books, Wattpad, Aldiko [Android only] among others helps you embrace reading in the digital era.
She didn’t leave out the fact reading could be boring but taking it as a relaxation technique, you don’t even need a one-way ticket to the other side of the globe. A gripping novel can take you all the way to another dimension! You can read for the fun part of it or take it seriously for something else if you are part of the group of people who usually find it difficult to read.
Usually, why people find it difficult to read may vary but Ms. Michelle answered some questions tipping laziness and carrying paperback hard copies of books as the ultimate reasons why most people would want to skip reading.
DO YOU HAVE TO READ A BOOK AT ALL? The answer is yes!
What this world needs the most are educated, open-minded, self-aware people, inspired and full of ideas. Reading surely creates such people, especially when it’s done in a varied way, with openness for different topics and concepts.
Naa Klordey Odonkor is a Ghanaian, female entrepreneur, TV and radio presenter. She is the female mid-morning show diva on Kumasi-based Ultimate FM.
Such an insightful forum. Mz Naa has managed to do something right with social media which many influencers wouldn’t take the risk and we look forward to her future activities. Care to join the next session in the group? Contact, 0240805825.
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