People and Culture

“Jailed Couple” Break The Internet With Their 5th Anniversary Photos

Marriage, they say, takes away one’s freedom, and will to do things independent of their partner, especially when children start rolling in. This couple took their time to get creative and depict that by way of mug shots, for their fifth wedding anniversary celebration.

They are dressed in inmates’ outfits and hold signages that say they have been sentenced to be with each other forever, and this is just five years served so far.

Read the Groom’s Instagram message below;

Not every time a perfect Picture represents Marriage with all the glitz and glam of a well-tailored suit and gown or some elegant Native Attire… The truth is sometimes we all feel like we traded our freedom and we are locked up in it…… Marriage will shock you when it reveals who you’ve been locked up with sometimes…. But that’s the beauty… what do you do when u are doing it for life. I guess you eventually get used to it, learn to love the little things that mean a lot to you and do all it takes to enjoy every of the rest of that moment. Especially if you have a partner that is willing to do life with you #HappyAniniVersary #TheEgbes5YearsDown

"Jailed Couple" Break The Internet With Their 5th Anniversary Photos"Jailed Couple" Break The Internet With Their 5th Anniversary Photos"Jailed Couple" Break The Internet With Their 5th Anniversary Photos

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