
Afia Schwarzenegger teased in new music video starring Abrokwah and his new girlfriend

Afia Schwarzenegger teased in new music video starring Abrokwah and his new girlfriendAfia Schwarzenegger’s ex-husband, Lawrence Abrokwah has found a new girlfriend, Kezia also known as Queenie and they’re both ready to combat the “Politicial Police” host on TV Africa with their new fond happiness – love!

Abrokwah’s girlfriend, Queenie is an aspiring musician who from the video below has zero talent, not to even comment on her singing prowess which is also equal to nothing good to write home about.

Although she may get better as time elapses, her very single titled “Odo” has been released for viewers including her chief critic and vociferous socialite Afia Schwarzenegger to watch.

The video, features two other interesting musicians, Sketch and Abi Small who happens to be a liability in the music video while it stars the former husband of Afia Schwarzengger, Abrokwah who was alleged to have depended on Afia for his survival throughout their marriage. We hope you enjoy the below.

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Samcilla Baakojr

Senior Editor | Influencer Marketing Specialist. Helping brands transform their content into bingeable series. One story at a time through Digital Marketing, PR, Design & Communications.

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