
World Press Freedom Day: Reshaping policies to end attacks on media

World Press Freedom Day Reshaping policies to end attacks on mediaUNESCO’s efforts to strengthening capacities for the creation, production and dissemination of cultural goods, services and activities are now ratified by 146 parties including the Europen Union.

Trends show that the media independence is weakening and the professional standards of journalism are being eroded by economic forces and the lack of recognition by political actors.

Dubbed the Accra Declaration, the just ended World Press Freedom Day saw over 800 journalists from all over the world come together to call for an end to other restrictions on press freedom, urging governments to provide protection for journalists and combat impunity when such attacks do occur.

According to the latest UNESCO report on World Trends In Freedom Of Expression and Media Development, a total of 530 journalists have been killed so far between 2012 and 2016. an average of two deaths per week.World Press Freedom Day Reshaping policies to end attacks on mediaTo mark the 2018 World Press Freedom Day on May 2 and 3, journalists who joined in various panel discussions want governments to ensure that those responsible for threats or attacks against journalists, media outlets and others for exercising their freedom of expression be brought to justice through fair and impartial proceedings.


The communiqué called for the strengthening of the economic environment for quality journalism, investigative journalism and independent professional media.

The journalists called on civil society and the academia to denounce attacks on freedom of expression and media freedom in any form and from any group or individuals.World Press Freedom Day Reshaping policies to end attacks on mediaThe communiqué also called on media outlets to provide fair payment, working conditions and insurance for media workers.

It also called for the promotion of universal access to the internet at affordable prices.

The participants called on UNESCO to support and train journalists in the area of digital safety and security, including the use of open and other technologies.

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Samcilla Baakojr

Senior Editor | Influencer Marketing Specialist. Helping brands transform their content into bingeable series. One story at a time through Digital Marketing, PR, Design & Communications.

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