People and Culture

Twist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social media

Akosua Hanson, the Ghanaian outspoken Feminist, TV/Radio presenter has been lashed on social media by her followers for associating her see-through-breast-revealing photo with a ‘Loving God’ spoken word piece. Twist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social mediaThe title is a twist but the beautiful photo is all we care about if you listen to the well-composed poem!

You can recall back in 2016, Ms. Hanson embarked on a “Let’s Talk Consent”; a sex education workshop that focused on respect and human dignity in sexual relationships, as expressed through asking and recognizing consent or non-consent. This erotic piece adds more visage to the talk!

The Twist About “Loving God”

“Loving God” is Akosua’s latest spoken word poem produced, mixed and mastered by Reynolds the Gentleman which takes a similar path of “Let’s Talk Consent” but only this time with a little visual projection of boobs and hips from the artwork.

The spoken word piece talks about the diversity of orgasms, simply mimicking pleasure with the pseudonym ‘Loving God’ the theme for the piece. It’s beautiful listening to all the lust in her voice! The vague romantic expressions used really paints an erotic motion set in one’s mind when listening and this feeling is literally a seductive one with everybody nerve projecting in a conspicuous way.

Her erotic poetry also dealt with more gender issue and sexual deviance. Bad combo from the Celebrity Fan Zone co-host!

Passionate about issues of gender, lust, and sex, Akosua begins her piece rhetorically by introducing the title “Loving God” in a more sexy manner just to begin the chaos…you can imagine, however, she breaks quickly, to begin with, “Have you ever, falling in love with the sea…loved her so-fearlessly or orgasms are unending…”

Well, what has this got to with God, a fan request she changes the title…

Twist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social mediaFans Backlash

Sometimes it can be hard to tell what’s going on with your girl: Is she enjoying herself? Are you doing it right? Is she satisfied? Women can be hard to read, especially when it comes to sex and how some never reach their peak.

The spoken word piece blends more than just sex for your listening pleasure though, all in all, if Akosua is getting off you are bound to know about it on some level like the general writhing around and body movement of women…

…But her followers got it twisted the whole time because she exposed herself in a semi-nude cover art photo to her “Loving God” piece.

Twist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social media Twist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social mediaTwist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social media

What was she expecting for posting such an exposed photo showing her breast? A fan asked.Twist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social mediaTwist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social mediaThe photograph by Eric Gyamfi which was worked on by Suavenayshin has caused angst on social media. Some of her followers are disappointed in her ‘sexy sexy new spoken word piece’.Twist! Fans lash Akosua Hanson For exposing her breasts on social mediaIf you’re not so sure of why she took the semi-naked photograph and need some reassurance, check out her more subtle signs — her sexual body language as expressed in “Loving God” below.

Source: Samcilla/

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Samcilla Baakojr

Senior Editor | Influencer Marketing Specialist. Helping brands transform their content into bingeable series. One story at a time through Digital Marketing, PR, Design & Communications.

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