- Jul- 2020 -23 JulySouthern
Zimbabwe declares nationwide curfew to curb virus
Zimbabwe has declare
- 22 JulyAfrica News
Zambia asks China for debt relief
Zambian President Ed
- 13 JulyHealth
10 million kids ‘may never return to school’ after virus
The coronavirus pand
- Jun- 2020 -29 JuneAfrica News
‘Quack doctors’ selling Covid-19 ‘cure’ in Ghana exposed
The coronavirus pand
- 29 JuneSouthern
Zambia aims to boost its economy with reopening of air borders
Zambia’s President E
- 29 JuneHealth
China locks down 400,000 people after Covid-19 spike near Beijing
China has reinstated
- 26 JuneAfrica News
Coronavirus Vaccine Trials: Covid-19 Vaccine Tests Begin In South Africa
Africa has joined Un