Bisa Kdei
- Dec- 2019 -23 DecemberPeople and Culture
Bisa Kdei ends the year with spectacular music concert ‘BisaFest’
Last Friday, multipl
- Oct- 2019 -14 OctoberPeople and Culture
Bisa Kdei’s maiden concert slated for December 20th
The much awaited con
- Aug- 2019 -16 AugustShowbiz
Bisa Kdei – Meka Ft. Fameye
The much awaited col
- Jul- 2019 -25 JulyPeople and Culture
Bisa Kdei – Meka Ft. Fameye (Official Video)
Here comes another b
- Mar- 2019 -7 MarchPeople and Culture
Get bigger venues for my shows in Europe – Bisa Kdei to promoters
Ghanaian musician Bi
- Feb- 2019 -8 February
- Oct- 2018 -31 October