Afia Schwarzenegger
- Oct- 2020 -5 OctoberShowbiz
Mzbel dares Afia Schwarzenegger to reveal dirty secrets
A dirty verbal tug o
- 5 OctoberShowbiz
Mzbel is blackmailing a flagbearer in Ghana – Afia Schwarzenegger alleges
Controversial Ghanai
- Apr- 2020 -10 April
- Sep- 2019 -11 SeptemberShowbiz
‘Blanket man’ who was caught sleeping with Afia Schwar revealed
Ghanaian singer cum
- Apr- 2019 -4 AprilPeople and Culture
‘Beautiful’ sculpture of Afia Schwarzenegger pops up
A clay artwork has b
- Feb- 2019 -13 FebruaryShowbiz
Ghanaian female celebs live in garages, begs footballers for sex – Afia Schwar
Controversial TV pre
- Jan- 2019 -22 JanuaryPeople and Culture
Abeiku Santana denies killing his 4-year-old daughter
Ace Ghanaian present