East & CentralEvents

Nobel Prize and Field Medal Laureates to Speak at Virtual Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering

Next Einstein ForumThree Nobel Prize laureates and one Field Medalist will speak at the first-ever virtual Next Einstein Forum Global Gathering (NEF-GG), Africa’s largest scientific gathering set to take place from 8-10 December 2020. Organized against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, under the theme“Building Africa’s resilience through education, research and innovation”, this year’s event will take place through the  Airmeet video conferencing platform.
The scientists will be joining a conversation moderated by AIMS Founder and Board Chair, Prof Neil Turok on the first plenary session of the event to discuss: “Finding the Next Einstein, Preparing Africa to lead in scientific discovery” on 8 December 2020 from 2.45-3.45 CAT, through live and pre-recorded interventions.
Next Einstein ForumNext Einstein Forum Global GatheringMeet the Speakers:
Prof Caucher Birkar
2018 Field Medal Laureate in Algebraic Geometry
Prof Donna Strickland
2018 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics
Prof François Englert
2013 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics
Prof Leon Mutesa
Director of Center for Human Genetics
College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Rwanda
Prof Jacques Marescaux
President, IRCAD France
Sir Richard J. Roberts, Ph.D. F.R.S.
1993 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine
With a focus on identifying ways to strengthen Africa’s scientific future, this year’s conference will address science leadership in combating pandemics such as the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, building resilient educational systems, the crucial role of the digital economy and youth employment among other issues.
The biennial NEF Global Gatherings are the NEF’s marquee event. Far from an ordinary science forum, the NEF Global Gatherings position science at the centre of global development efforts. In the presence of scientists, political and industry leaders, civil society and media, and with a strong focus on youth and women, the voices of global science leaders have the opportunity to be heard and to have a significant impact on Africa’s scientific future.

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Samcilla Baakojr

Senior Editor | Influencer Marketing Specialist. Helping brands transform their content into bingeable series. One story at a time through Digital Marketing, PR, Design & Communications.

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